A Helping Hand

Gives Hope

Angel With Big Wings (AWBW) is an organization that champions the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 "Good Health and Well Being" by promoting maternal and child health. AWBW is achieving its mission by building strong partnerships both local and global.

"One Shall Chase a Thousand and Two Shall Chase Ten Thousand”

Deuteronomy 32:20

Right Now You Have The Choice To Make A True Difference

Ambassador Queen Of The World


- United Nations SDG Advocate, Harvard Kennedy Alumni

Program Director

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

Corinthians 13:13

Latest Rescues


Employing all of our various rescue methods, agents in five countries rescued 32 girls and women in one week.


Employing all of our various rescue methods, agents in five countries rescued 32 girls and women in one week.


Employing all of our various rescue methods, agents in five countries rescued 32 girls and women in one week.

We are angels with big wings, our purpose is to serve this world

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Rescue stories

Six-year-old girl rescued at the Nepal border

Her aunt and uncle were supposed to care for her, but their ugly side soon showed. …

Survivor presses against the grain to imprison trafficker

Swarm of boys rescued from dangerous pimps

The rescue was one of three raid missions executed at the same time….

The power of social media: why the sex trade is migrating from brothels to social media

Lockdowns have closed many sex establishments in Southeast Asia, leaving many former workers wondering where to find an income. …

Survival situations: hope wins for the most traumatized survivors

Some Ugandan girls have had their lives flipped upside down, like losing both parents, yet they remain resilient.

A wave of rescues – 173 now free

Destiny Rescue rescued 173 girls in an undisclosed country in Southeast Asia between July and August….

The power of social media: how sex traffickers leverage social media for recruitment and grooming

In villages in Nepal, many girls today have electricity and smartphones, allowing them to enter the land of the internet. …

The second story window

Five teens quietly gathered while their seven friends slept in bunk beds around them. It was around 1 am and the girls,…

The escape artist: Sonali’s rescue story

To rescue a child, Destiny Rescue sometimes needs to get creative. …

Fourteen-year-old girl safe because of agent’s creativity

Destiny Rescue’s rescue agents normally go undercover, run surveillance or interview travellers at a border to rescue exploited children, but occasionally they…

The art of undercover rescue in Cambodia

It is near impossible to rescue a girl from sex trafficking in Cambodia, yet our rescue agents continue to do it. What…

Philippines raid followup: survivors finding justice

In the Philippines, Destiny Rescue not only frees girls from sex trafficking but also helps them find justice. Check back in on…

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